Friday, November 6, 2009

Daylight Savings Time

5 am wake-up
don't you know the clocks have changed?
buy the child a watch

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Curried Lentils

curried lentils YUM!
taste like fire in my mouth
I'll travel THE WORLD

Monday, November 2, 2009

A Burned Pot of Yams

I ruined your pot
let the sweet yams burn and burn
until there was smoke

how guilty I feel
were there toxins pouring out?

there must be worse things

*This is not the actual pot I burned. It was far less worse.

Sunday, November 1, 2009


fire-breathing dragon
shrieking as we trick-or-treat
so cute so scary

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Welcome to Haikuliens


What are they?

For the last seven and a half months I have been feeling guilty that I have not a trace of a baby book, journal, or anything to record the changes and events that have marked our lives since the arrival of our dearest droolien Julien. While talking to Zoe we came up with the idea to Haiku our day to day adventures. It's a little more interesting than listing the dates he started to sit, crawl, etc... and hey, who doesn't have time to write a short haiku?

Why are they called "Haikuliens"? Because they are Haiku about Julien!

Oh Haikuliens!
all about the sweetest boy
soon he will be big

(Thank you Zoe for the inspiration for that last line.)